Jay K. 2012
I'm speechless. Wow ... you're amazing! You are pure talent without a doubt. Again thank you . I am living in harmony. ~ Jay K., Calgary.
I'm speechless. Wow ... you're amazing! You are pure talent without a doubt. Again thank you . I am living in harmony. ~ Jay K., Calgary.
Thanks a million for this! What a lot of work you've done. I won't be able to do all of your suggestions but have done many of them already and will continue to do more in this last week or two before listing our home. It was a pleasure to work with you...something I will [...]
Buying a home is a bit like dating. Twenty-first century dating, that is. Here are some tips to make your property attractive to those scoping your profile ... uh, listing. 95% of homebuyers start their search online. I presume fewer daters start their search online, but many check out the options. As a homeseller or [...]